Object Models

Environment module

Support for an Environment resource in Skytap.

In nearly every case, you’ll access an Environment via the Environments object:

envs = skytap.Environments()
for environment in envs:
    print (environment.name)

You can access anything from an environment that Skytap includes in their API. Most of these can be access directly as attributes of the given Environment object:

environment = skytap.Environments()[12345]

Some data conversions are handled for you. Specifically:

There’s also the ability to change the runstate of the environment through the function change_state():

environment = skytap.Environments()[12345]

# Passing `True` will wait for the suspend to complete
# before returning to the script:
environment.change_state('suspended', True)

The various state change options also have easy aliases available to them:

  • run()
  • halt()
  • suspend()
  • reset()
  • stop()

Passing True to any of these will also cause the script to wait until the action is completed by Skytap.


Some pieces of a given environment, specifically notes and user_data, are only available via additional calls to the API. These fields will not exist when first creating the environments object, but any direct access to those fields will trigger the API call behind the scenes.

This is important if you’re listing the entire contents (say, sending it to a JSON) - these fields won’t be included if you haven’t made that direct access.

This is by design to conserve API calls as most usage doesn’t need or use those fields.

class skytap.models.Environment.Environment(env_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource, skytap.framework.Suspendable.Suspendable

One Skytap environment.


Load values for anything that doesn’t get loaded by default.

For user_data and notes, a secondary API call is needed. Only make that call when the info is requested.


Delete the environment.

In general, it’d seem wise not to do this very often.

Group module

Support for Skytap groups.

class skytap.models.Group.Group(initial_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One Skytap Group.


Load values for anything that doesn’t get loaded by default.

For user_data and notes, a secondary API call is needed. Only make that call when the info is requested.


Add a User to the group.


user (int) – id of the user to add.

  • TypeError – If user is not an int.
  • KeyError – If user is not in Users list.

True if the user was added.

Return type:



>>> groups = skytap.Groups()
>>> users = skytap.Users()
>>> for u in users:
...     groups[12345].add(u.id)

Delete the group.


Remove a user from the group.


user (int) – id of the user to remove.

  • TypeError – If user is not an int.
  • KeyError – If user is not in Users list.

True if the user was removed.

Return type:



>>> groups = skytap.Groups()
>>> groups[1234].remove_user(12345)

Note module

Support for a single note in a Skytap environment or vm.

class skytap.models.Note.Note(note_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One note.


Represent the Note as a string.

Notes module

Support for notes that are attached to VMs and environments.

class skytap.models.Notes.Notes(note_json, env_url)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapGroup.SkytapGroup

A collection of notes.


Add one note.

Parameters:note (str) – The note text to add.
Returns:The response from Skytap, typically the new note.
Return type:str

Delete one note.

Parameters:note – The Note to delete.
Returns:The response from Skytap.
Return type:str
Raises:TypeError – If note is not a Note object.

Delete all notes.

Returns:count of deleted notes.
Return type:int

Use with care!


Return the newest note.

Returns:The newest note.
Return type:Note

Return the oldest note.

Returns:The oldest note.
Return type:Note

Used most often to delete the oldest note.


notes = skytap.Environtments().first.notes
# notes.delete(notes.oldest())  # most common use case.

Refresh the notes.

Raises:KeyError – if the Notes object doesn’t have a url attribute for some reason.

Go back to Skytap and get the notes again. Useful when you’ve changed the notes and to make sure you’re current.

Project module

Support for Projects.

class skytap.models.Project.Project(project_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One Skytap project.

Quota module

Support for Skytap quotas.

class skytap.models.Quota.Quota(quota_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One piece of quota information.


Represent object as a string.

SkytapGroup module

Base object to handle groups of Skytap objects.

class skytap.models.SkytapGroup.SkytapGroup

Bases: skytap.framework.ApiClient.ApiClient, six.Iterator

Base object for use with Skytap resource groups.

A SkytapGroup is essentially a set of SkytapResource objects. This allows us to more easily interact with ‘VMs’ as collections of VM objects. A list or dictionary could do much of this, but this allows us to also batch API calls intelligently (since many calls return a ‘group’ of data) and run other operations on multiple objects, when appropriate, like doing something across every VM inside an environment.


Check if the object contains an element.


Return a data element from self.data.


Allow this object to be iterated over.


Get length of the object.


Get the next item in iteration.


Represent the group as a string.

It’d be good to consider something more clever here, but returning the object back as a JSON also doesn’t seem unreasonable as a way to make this data accessible to other processes.


Return a list of objects, based on the search criteria.

This looks for matching ids if the search is a number, or searches the name if search is a string.

Parameters:search (int or str) – What to search for.
Returns:Any environments matching the search criteria.
Return type:List


>>> envs = skytap.Environments().search('testing')

Return the first record in the list.

Mainly used to get a single arbitrary object for testing.

Returns:An object from the list.
Return type:SkytapResource

Convert our list into a json.


Return the keys from the group list.

load_list_from_api(url, target, params=None)

Load something from the Skytap API and fill this object.

  • url (str) – The Skytap URL to load (‘/v2/users’).
  • target – The SkytapResource type to load (For example: ‘User’)
  • params (dict) – Any URL parameters to add to URL.

This should look like, in the child object:

self.load_list_from_api('/v2/projects', Project)
load_list_from_json(json_list, target, url=None, params=None)

Load items from a json list and fill this object.

  • json_list (list) – The list to load the items from.
  • target – The SkytapResource type to load (for example: ‘User’)

This should look like, in the child object:


What to do when called from the command line.

This function is usually accessed via the command line:

python -m skytap.Environments

but can be used to return quick sets of formatted JSON:

>>> print(skytap.Environments().main())

Anything passed to the function will be searched for:

python -m skytap.Users fozzy


>>> print(skytap.Users().main('scooter'))
Parameters:argv (list) – Command line arguments
Returns:Formatted JSON of the request.
Return type:str

Reload our data.

SkytapResource module

Base class for all Skytap Resources.

class skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource(initial_json)

Bases: object

Represents one Skytap Resource - a VM, Environment, User, whatever.


Check if this resource has a particular key in its data.


Compare the resource to another one, helpful for sorting.


Access custom attributes.

This allows us to access members of self.data as if they’re attributes of the resource. This transparently extends the object with all of the keys returned from the Skytap API without each resource having to do anything special except for exception cases.


Compare the resource to another one, helpful for sorting.


Represent the resource as a hash.


Represent the resource as an int.


Compare the resource to another one, helpful for sorting.


Represent the resource as a string.


Convert the object to JSON.


Refresh the data in our object, if we have a URL to pull from.

Template module

Support for an Template resource in Skytap.

class skytap.models.Template.Template(tmp_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One Skytap template.


Load values for anything that doesn’t get loaded by default.

For user_data, a secondary API call is needed. Only make that call when the info is requested.

User module

Support for a User resource in Skytap.

class skytap.models.User.User(user_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One Skytap User resource.


Delete the user.

UserData module

Support for the UserData resource in Skytap.

Specifically, this is for custom (‘user data’) that’s applied to an environment or VM. This data can be text or, in the context of using it with this Skytap script, it can also be JSON or YAML and will then be re-parsed.

This allows users to put data into a VM user data block and it’ll filter down and be accessible to this script. We use this to expose variables to the user like shutdown time and other automation pieces.

class skytap.models.UserData.UserData(contents, env_url)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

UserData object to handle custom user data for a Skytap object.

This typically would be for a VM or Environment.


Express the userdata as a string.

add(key, value)

Add value to environment’s userdata.

  • key (str) – The name of the value’s key.
  • value (str) – The value to add.

The response from Skytap, or “{}”.

Return type:


add_line(text, line=-1)

Add line to environment’s userdata.

  • text (str) – line of text to be added. (Required)
  • line (int) – line number to add to. If too large, default to last.

The response from Skytap.

Return type:



Delete key/value from environment’s userdata.

Parameters:key (str) – The name of key to delete, along with value
Returns:The response from Skytap, or “{}”.
Return type:str

Delete line from environment’s userdata.

Parameters:line (int) – line number to delete.
Returns:The response from Skytap.
Return type:str

Return content of line from environment’s userdata.

Parameters:line (int) – line number to get.
Returns:The content of the line, or “”.
Return type:str

Vm module

Support for a VM resource in Skytap.

class skytap.models.Vm.Vm(vm_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource, skytap.framework.Suspendable.Suspendable

One Skytap VM.


Load values for anything that doesn’t get loaded by default.

For user_data, notes, and interfaces, a secondary API call is needed. Only make that call when the info is requested.


Delete a VM.

In general, it’d seem wise not to do this very often.

Vms module

Support for Skytap VMs.

class skytap.models.Vms.Vms(vms_json, env_url)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapGroup.SkytapGroup

A list of VMs.

Vpn module

Support for Skytap VPNs.

class skytap.models.Vpn.Vpn(vpn_json)

Bases: skytap.models.SkytapResource.SkytapResource

One Skytap VPN object.